The information presented on this website is based upon the education and clinical practice of Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. It is not intended to replace a direct relationship with a qualified health care professional. The author is not responsible for any adverse results experienced on the part of the reader resulting from using any of the products or recommendations on this websites.

The Optimal Health Network neither diagnoses nor prescribes. We offer a possible set of healing tools, such as colon cleansing and nutritional information, which many people have used to assist the body to heal itself. In the event you use this information without your doctor’s consent, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but we assume no responsibility.
"Before advising or reassuring a patient about defecatory habits, the physician must exclude serious disease by rectal and sigmoidscopic examinations and by barium enema when indicated. Everyone with constipation should have a full physical examination, including a rectal examination to exclude masses. CBC, thyroid stimulating hormone fasting glucose, and electrolytes are also appropriate for some patients. Those with resistant, prolonged, or unusual symptoms may need a colonoscopy. Whenever possible, medications that may cause constipation should be stopped."