Seven Reasons To Try Our Made-for-Enema Coffee


Seven Reasons to Try Our Made-for-Enema Coffee

Colon Segment Diagram
Colon Segment Diagram
  1. Optimal Health Network’s made-for-enema coffee is certified organic. Your health is our greatest concern, and by using organic coffee we ensure that no chemicals have been used in the growing, shipping, and roasting of your coffee. Organic production also helps the grower communities by ensuring a healthy ecosystem.
  2. Our coffee has a low acidity. Using a low-acid coffee is crucial because the coffee is being implanted into the sensitive tissues of the colon. (It is important to use brewed coffee immediately. Do not store it once brewed, as it becomes more acidic.)
  3. Our coffee is air-roasted. Traditional drum roasting adds trace amounts of known cancer-causing agents to your coffee. Air-roasting does not add smoke or flame to the beans, so carcinogenic effects are averted. Furthermore, for those with gluten sensitivity, air roasting prevents cross-reactivity with gluten in the body. Be sure your enema coffee is air-roasted!
  4. Our coffee is higher in caffeine and palmitic acid. These two therapeutic elements are used by the body for an effective detoxification. Never use a decaffeinated coffee for your coffee enema.
  5. Our coffee is fairly traded. When you buy fair trade coffee for your enemas, you are not only making a decision to benefit your own health, but you are making a larger decision to benefit the health of the entire planet. Fair trade coffee supports living wages, safe and healthy conditions for workers in developing countries, and sound ecological practices, such as reforestation.
  6. We guarantee the therapeutic quality of our enema coffee for one full year. Keep your enema coffee in an airtight container stored in a cool, dry, dark place.
  7. Our made-for-enema coffee is included in our convenient, value-priced coffee enema kits.

If you wish to drink our coffee, the flavor is bright and nutty, with a tart note on the finish.

Coffee enema kits, as well as our made-for-enema coffee (ground or whole-bean), may be purchased from our extensive product website.